Hello and Welcome to my Blog. I am Honey and I am currently attending Glen Taylor School as a year 8 student. I am Cook Island-Maori and Swiss. I have 3 sisters and no brothers. I am a proud Manaiakalani Ambassador and house captain for Glen Taylor School. I really do enjoy learning at school. I am quite good at writing and I enjoy writing whenever I possibly can. The challenges I face when it comes to learning is usually maths, I’m not the best at it. The goals that I have set for myself this year, is to be at the national standard or above by the end of my last year. I also really enjoy inquiry and art, they are very fun tasks to do whenever you need a break from everything. By the end of this year, I would like to get accepted into a good grammar college. The person who inspires me is my teacher, she is always up for helping me when I am not really sure about something. I also really enjoy posting things on my blog, like my learning throughout the week/term and what I do throughout the weekends and holidays . I hope that you all enjoy what I share on my blog. Thank you.